Community Resource Collaborative


Community Resource Collaborative (CRC)

Community Resource Collaborative is a long-standing monthly meeting for Park County’s wide array of nonprofits to connect and share what’s happening with their organizations and initiatives.   We’re excited to help sustain this important gathering and eager to see it grow.

Held at 10:00a on the second Wednesday of each month, meetings will include time for intros and updates followed by a brief presentation about a special topic and takeaway action for impact.


Meeting Minutes:

April 2023: CRC talked about selecting topics and presenters, and scheduling member presentations. Also, updates from ASPEN, PCCF, CCC, BBBS of Park County, LW49, and PCHD.

March 2023: CRC hosted Katherine Daly, Park County Housing Coordinator, for a presentation about the Park County Housing Coalition. Links to the meeting recording and slides included in meeting notes.